Find out how InstaCover works and how it can help with your vehicle insurance journey.
Having clients who are all-in on innovation and tech-ready makes a huge difference. When their systems are modern and flexible, integration is a breeze, and we can tackle challenges together quickly.
Reduce costs and streamline sorting cases according to your set parameters. Get it to the right person and automatically assign a case to the appropriate adjuster based on the size of the loss.
Check out this video to see how our insurtech is revolutionizing the insurance industry! Car insurance has never been this cool! Thanks, Artificial Intelligence.
Find out what we do, who we do it for, and who we are from our long-form videos and shorts like the ones below.
Check our YouTubeAre you curious about our demo? Just leave us your contact info and we'll get in touch.
Get in touch!The Acceleration project aims to support the business and investment strategies of start-ups in foreign markets, to innovate their products and services based on international know-how, and to prepare them for foreign expansion.